Rand, T. (2019, April), Careers in Aging: Gerontologists Wanted NOW. Panel participation at the Minnesota Gerontological Association 2019 Conference, Brooklyn Center, MN.
Rand, T., Rottenberg, R., & Thooft, A. (2016, May). Approaching aging in new ways: Changing personal and professional perspectives to empower elders and strengthen families. Presentation at the 2016 Annual Field Workshop, St. Catherine University - University of St. Thomas School of Social Work, St. Paul, Minnesota.
Rand, T. (2015, August). Transitions, ambiguity, and ending well. Continuing Education Presentation at Bethesda Hospital-HealthEast Care System, St. Paul, MN.
Rand, T. (2014, October). Self-care in helping professions. Managing stress and preventing burnout. Presented to HealthEast Primary Clinic Clinics- HealthEast Care System, St. Paul, MN.
Erkkila, L. & Rand, T. (2013, June). Understanding behavioral issues in adults with dementia. Continuing Education Presentation at HealthEast Hospice-Pillars, St. Paul, MN.
Rand, T. (2013, August). Motivational interviewing in healthcare. Continuing Education Presentation at Bethesda Hospital - HealthEast Care System, St.Paul,MN.
Rand, T., & St. George, C. (2012, August). Clinical social work in medical settings. Field Practice Institute- First Annual Summit on Emerging Issues in Social Work Practice. St. Catherine University/University of St. Thomas - School of Social Work, St. Paul, MN.