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Kurt Gehlert

Associate Professor

  • Education
  • PhD, University of Missouri

    MA, University of Missouri-Columbia

    BS, University of Missouri-Columbia


  • Research Interests
  • Couples Counseling

    Counseling Process

    Applications of Systems Theory

    Postmodern Approaches to Psychotherapy

    Clinical Supervision and Training

    Promoting Social Justice through Effective Therapy

Dr. Gehlert received his Ph.D. in Educational and Counseling Psychology from the University of Missouri, Columbia.  He has been on the faculty of GSPP for over 10 years.  Prior to joining the faculty, he was a staff psychologist at Penn State University’s counseling center, and a Penn State adjunct faculty member teaching in the Counseling Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Family Studies, Social Work, and MBA programs.

Kurt teaches a doctoral level practicum course as well as courses in the marriage and family concentration.  As a teacher, he strives to create a safe and accepting classroom where all views are valued, and students feel safe, accepted, and intellectually challenged.  Like his teaching values, when providing clinical supervision, he seeks to help supervisees find their authentic therapy “voice” as well as increase the trainee’s confidence and sense of agency.  His scholarly interests include: couples counseling, counseling process, postmodern approaches to psychotherapy, and clinical supervision and training.

Dr. Gehlert is a licensed psychologist and a Clinical Fellow of the American Association for Marriage and Family therapy.  He has a private practice of psychology in the community with a specialization in couple therapy, couples with trauma histories, and work with adult families.  In his clinical work with couples, he seeks transformational change through strengthening the attachment bond and creating an unshakable sense of security in the relationship for both partners.  He also views all counseling encounters as cross-cultural and conceptualizes effective therapy as an essential component of promoting social justice.

Gehlert, K. M., Mortensen, E., & Rech, A. (2023). The seven habits of highly effective psychotherapists [Presentation]. Minnesota Social Service Association Annual Training Conference, Minneapolis, MN.

Mortensen, E., Gehlert, K.M., & Rech, A. (2023). Using supervision to foster trainee development of the seven habits of highly effective psychotherapists [Presentation]. Annual Conference of the Minnesota Psychological Association, Minneapolis, MN. 

Hardin, K. & Gehlert, K.M. (2019). Developing the ability to self-manage in coaching supervision. The Coaching Psychologist, Vol.15, 22-29. 

Mortensen, E.M. & Gehlert, K.M. (2017) Key Elements that Contribute to Positive Outcomes with Couple Therapy for Trauma Survivors [Presentation]. Annual Conference of the Minnesota Association for Marriage and Family Therapy, Minneapolis, MN. 

Sheppard, N.K., Gehlert, K.M., French, B.H., & Davis, S.R. (2016) Counseling Adult Korean Adoptees: A Mindfulness-based Group Therapy Approach [Presentation]. Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.

Hardin, K. & Gehlert, K.M. (2016). Use of self and supervision in coaching psychology [Presentation]. Annual Conference of the Minnesota Psychological Association, Minneapolis, MN.  

Gehlert, K. M., Pinke, J., & Segal, R. (2014). A trainee’s guide to conceptualizing countertransference in marriage and family therapy supervision. The Family Journal, Vol. 22, 7-16. 

Fowler, M., Gehlert, K. M., Dimian, A., & Creurer, S. (2014). Relationship factors that influence attitudes towards professional help [Presentation]. Annual Conference of the Minnesota Psychological Association, Minneapolis, MN.

Gehlert, K. M., Ressler, T. H., Anderson, N. H., & Swanson, N. M. (2013) A method to improve the coach-participant match in executive coaching. The Coaching Psychologist, Vol. 9, 78-85.

Gehlert, K. M., Ressler, T., & Baylon, D. (2013). Global challenges demand global education of systems thinking. Human Systems Management, Vol. 32, 79-94.

Bedford, C. & Gehlert, K. M. (2013). Situational supervision: Applying situational leadership to clinical supervision. The Clinical Supervisor, Vol. 32, 56-69.

Brown, T., Gehlert, K. M., & Karim, F. (2013) Preventative mental health interventions for children who have experienced maltreatment [Presentation]. Annual Convention of the Minnesota Association for Children’s Mental Health Child and Adolescent Mental Health Conference, Duluth, MN.

Pinke, J., Gehlert, K. M., & Segal, R. (2012). Couples counseling: What to do when… [Presentation]. Annual North American Society of Adlerian Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Pinke, J., Segal, R., & Gehlert, K. M. (2012). Community workshop: Identifying countertransference through Adlerian concepts and language [Presentation]. Annual North American Society of Adlerian Psychology Conference, Atlanta, GA.

Clinical Fellow of the American Association for Marriage and Family Therapy (AAMFT)