Spring 2022
DSW Professional Notes
Below are some of the many presentations, publications and other professional notes our DSW students and alumni shared for spring 2022:
Anne Adcock, '17
Dr. Anne Adcock was recently promoted to full professor at Campbellsville University, where she serves as Bachelor Program Director.
Dr. Adcock had two presentations at the 2021 CSWE APM. First, a workshop entitled "The Equality Project: Our Social Work Program Looks in the Mirror." This workshop detailed the process Dr. Adcock's Social Work program undertook as a reaction to the racial unrest of Summer 2020. Second, Dr. Adcock was one of the presenters of a poster presentation entitled "I Know What I Know…..Unless I Don’t: Faculty Knowledge about Regulation." This research project looked at higher education faculty's knowledge of the licensure process. The resulting paper was also published in the Journal of Social Work Education.
Dr. Adcock has been serving as the Chair of the Kentucky Board of Social Work since late 2021. As part of this work, she is active in the National Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB). Dr. Adcock recently served as the Chair of that organization's Education Conference which was held April 29-30 in Chicago. Dr. Adcock also spoke at the conference regarding research the Kentucky Board of Social Work completed in order to inform a change to their regulations.
Wonjen Bagley, current student
Wonjen Bagley presented at the 2022 BPD Conference on how social work faculty at Minority-Serving Institutions (MSIs) infuse social justice into their courses.
Sibyl Beaulieu, '20
Sibyl Beaulieu was appointed to the Council on Social Work Field Education committee (2021-2023) in 2021.
Sibyl attended the APM Council on Social Work Field Education (CoFE) and worked on a strategic plan for the year 2021. She was appointed to the CoFE research subcommittee in February 2022. Sybil's primary work involves addressing changing EPAS and COA requirements for field, planning for the Field Institute at APM and subcommittee work on the Field Education research agenda for the next five years.
Tiffany Breckenridge, '22
As part of the DSW banded dissertation, Tiffany Breckenridge produced "A Trauma-Informed Care Model: Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences in Patients with End-Stage Kidney Disease," which was accepted to the Journal of Nephrology Social Work without revisions.
Allison Buzard, current student
In March of 2022, DSW student Allison Buzard presented a workshop entitled, "What Does an Anti-Racist Pedagogy Look Like in the Social Work Classroom?" at the Baccalaureate Program Directors (BPD) Annual Conference. The workshop focused on building faculty reflexivity (awareness), increasing faculty capacity (knowledge), and scaffolding faculty's ability to enact anti-racist social work pedagogy.
Hillary Cole, '21
Hillary Cole's research article, "What Are We Teaching in Spirituality and Social Work Elective Courses? A Qualitative Content Analysis of BSW Syllabi," was accepted for publication with the Journal of Religion and Spirituality in Social Work: Social Thought, November 2021.
Hillary delivered a peer-reviewed presentation, "What Are We Teaching in Spirituality and Social Work Elective Courses? A Qualitative Content Analysis of BSW Syllabi," at the BPD (Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors) Annual Conference in March 2022.
Meg DeJong-Shier, current student
Meg DeJong-Shier served as a Continuum of Care board member and as a Panhandle Behavioral Health Alliance board member.
Meg presented at the SSSA annual meeting in San Antonio this past April. The topic was challenges to moving a social work program online.
Quincy Dinnerson, '18
Quincy Dinnerson's scholarship included:
- Council on Social Work Education. (2022). Specialized Practice Curricular Guide for Infant & Early Childhood Mental Health. 2015 EPAS Curricular Guide Resource Series. (contributor).
- Dinnerson, Q. (2021). Black Men in Social Work. CSWE 67th Annual Program Meeting (Hot Topic Presentation).
- Dinnerson, Q, Wilson, S, & White, N (2021). Taking off the Mask. CSWE 67th Annual Program Meeting (ePoster).
- Dinnerson, Q, Wilson, S, & White, N (2021). Taking off the Mask. The Journal of Education Research and Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol II, Issue VIII, 22- 38.
- Wilson, S, & Dinnerson, Q (2021). Using The Empowerment Theory To Advise HBCU Social Work Students. University of Memphis School of Social Work's Ninth Symposium (presentation).
- Wilson, S, & Dinnerson, Q (2021). Teaching BSW and MSW Male Students Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) Skills to Enhance their Social Work Values. 18th Annual International Males of Color Conference JV Educational Consultants (presentation).
- Dinnerson, Q, Wilson, S, & White, N (2021). Taking off the Mask. 18th Annual International Males of Color Conference JV Educational Consultants (presentation).
Presentations included:
- 3rd Annual Southeastern Social Work Conference hosted by UNCP Department of Social Work
Presenter April 1, 2022
Preventative Care in School Based Mental Health from a Social Workers Perspective
African American Men in Social Work: The Importance of Mentoring - Norfolk State University Social Work month
Presenter March 23, 2022
Black Men in Social Work table discussion - William & Mary University Counseling Center Spring Prover Ethics Work Shop
Presenter March 16, 2022
Addressing Unconscious Bias in Clinical Practice and Equity in Supervision - Coffee and Chat HBCU series sponsored by ePifhany, LLC.
Panelist February 22, 2022
Educators are our Unsung Heroes - Spirit Counseling & Consulting, PLLC
Presenter January 11, 2022
Interviewing in Social Work - Continued Social Work education (CONTINUeD)
Presenter August 4, 2021
Preventative care in School Based mental Health (webinar) - University of Kentucky College of Social Work Doctorate of Social Work (DSW) residency week
Panelists July 27, 2021
Marketing Yourself as a DSW - NCAA Leadership Development - Planning for the Unplanned: The Future of collegiate Athletics
Co-Presenter July 15, 2021
Mental Health & Wellness: Managing Through Covid - Continued Social Work education (CONTINUeD)
Presenter July 7, 2021
African American Men in Social Work: The Importance of Mentoring (webinar)
Service to the university, community and profession included:
- March 23, 2022: Volunteer Representative, Norfolk State University Career Services, 2022 Spring Career Expo
- February 16, 2022: Norfolk State University Digital Faculty Evaluation Initiative Taskforce appointed by the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
- September 18, 2021: Presenter, "Suicide Prevention" to East Coast Children's Services of Norfolk, VA.
- September 30, 2021: Presenter, "Constructing Goals" to East Coast Children's Services of Norfolk, VA.
- September 2021: Advances in Social Work Journal Reviewer
Debbie Gonzalez, '19
Debbie Gonzalez accepted an offer for an assistant professor tenure track position with Cal Poly Humboldt, California State University to begin fall 2022.
In April 2022, Dr. Pam Bowers and Dr. Debbie Gonzalez were awarded a $21,225 grant from Cal Poly Humboldt Sponsor Programs for research and creative projects for equity and justice. The project is entitled: "Expanding Education around Compliance, Sovereignty and Family Preservation Rights with Indian Child Welfare Act: A Rural Virtual Simulation Project."
Toni Jensen, '20
Dr. Toni Jensen was recently awarded tenure and promotion to associate professor of social work at Nebraska Wesleyan University. Toni serves as the program director for the MSW program, which is welcoming its second cohort of students this fall and was recently granted candidacy status with the Council on Social Work Education.
Dalila John, current student
On March 25, 2022, Dalila John presented a 60-minute virtual session at the 39th Annual BPD Conference which is hosted by the Association of Baccalaureate Social Work Program Directors. Her presentation, "Moving Beyond Recruitment: Job Satisfaction and Retention of African American Social Work Faculty within Academia," examined the factors that affect the job satisfaction and retention of African American social work faculty and recommended strategies to transform diversity initiatives within social work programs and their corresponding universities.
Mallory Knipe, '20
Dr. Mallory Knipe completed a research study entitled "Virtual Community During a Pandemic: A Case Study." This case study looked at Sid City Social Club, an online community hosted by Hollywood actor Alexander Siddig for those who were isolated during the COVID-19 pandemic. Siddig is best known for his role as Dr. Bashir in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and because of this, Dr. Knipe was invited to participate in panels at both Destination Star Trek: London and Star Trek: Mission Chicago discussing her research, alongside Siddig and co-stars Nana Visitor, and Andy Robinson. The research article is pending publication in the Journal of Fandom Studies.
Joyce Kraus, '22
Joyce Krause presented "Creating a Classroom Culture Through Diversity Education: A Social Work Perspective" at the Online Lilly Conference in April 2022.
Kristin Lambert, '20 and Andrya Soprych, '20
Presented "Student Selected Materials: Advancing Social Justice through Shared Curriculum Ownership" with Dr. Lance Peterson of the St. Thomas School of Social Work at the Lilly Conference in San Diego, CA, on January 7, 2022.
Jamie Langlois, '19
Dr. Langlois published an article in The New Social Worker in March 2022. The article, "How to Begin Your Career During the Great Resignation," provides tips to new graduates on securing their dream jobs during unprecedented times.
Margaret Miles, '21
Dr. Margaret Miles had an article, "Aligning Teaching Philosophy With Classroom Participation Methods: Strategies for Social Work Educators," published in the spring edition of the Journal of Baccalaureate Social Work. The article was part of Dr. Miles' banded dissertation work and provides a classroom participation conceptual framework rooted in critical pedagogy.
Ricki Moran, '22
Dr. Ricki Moran co-authored a book chapter in "The Art of Becoming Indispensable: What School Social Workers Need to Know in Their First Three Years of Practice," which received the SSWAA 2022 Book Award. Dr. Moran has two manuscripts under review for publication entitled "Social Constructivism: Incorporating Effective Teaching Strategies to Reduce Students' Fear of Research" and "Social Work Students’ Perceptions of Research." Dr. Moran presented her research at the Council of Social Work Education: Annual Program Meeting in November 2021 as well as at the Association of Baccalaureate Social Work annual conference in April 2021.
Dr. Moran continues her private practice as a Behavioral Interventionist and Mental Health professional while teaching social work courses as an adjunct professor.
Susan Schmidt, '17
Susan Schmidt was awarded tenure and promoted to Associate Professor of Social Work at Luther College (Decorah, IA). In February she published "Child maltreatment and child migration: Abuse disclosures by Central American and Mexican unaccompanied migrant children" in the Journal on Migration and Human Security.
Mallori Sheik, current student
Mallori Sheik's involvement included:
- Advisory Board Member, Social Work and School of Education, The College of St. Scholastica, July 2021 - present
- Advisory Board Member, Occupational Skills Program, June 2018 - present
- Board Member, Region Five Community Workforce Inclusion Council, January 2021 - present
- Board Member, Community Transition Interagency Committee (CTIC), August 2017 - present
- Board Member and Vice Chair, Tri-County Community Action Partnership (TCCAP), September 2017 - present
ZaDonna Slay, '21
ZaDonna Slay's scholarship included:
- Constance-Huggins, M., Moore, S., & Slay, Z. (2021). Sex trafficking of Black girls: A critical race theory approach to practice. Journal of Progressive Human Services.
- Slay, Z., Robinson, D., Rhodes, D. (2022) Shared perspectives of strength among Black women social work educators in a global pandemic, Journal of Social Work Education.
Deborah Stiles, '22
Deborah Stiles was selected as a three-year Fellow at Taylor University in the Bedi Center for Teaching and Learning (BCTLE). As a Fellow, Deborah will work in a collaborative team with the Dean of Faculty Development/Director of the BCTLE to expand teaching excellence at Taylor. Deborah's area of focus will be helping faculty understand how to address student mental health needs in the classroom.
This year, Deborah was also part of a community of practice focused on student sense of belonging in the classroom, also through the BCTLE. The goal of the first semester was to research the elements that create a sense of belonging for students. The second semester was focused on implementing the practices in their own classrooms. The community of practice is presenting a one-day workshop on the principles of belonging during a four-day course design institute.
C.J. Van Wright, '19
C.J. Van Wright accepted a tenure track position as Assistant Professor in the Department of Social Work at Westfield State in Westfield, MA, starting September 2022.
Jeremy Vu, '22
Jeremy Vu's accomplishments included:
- CSWE APM 2021 Accepted Proposal - Restorative Justice: A Lakota Conceptual Model
- Three-year appointment to the CSWE Indigenous and Tribal track as Co-chair
- 2021 CSWE Minority Fellowship Program recipient
Amy Fischer Williams, '18
Amy Fischer Williams was promoted from Assistant to Associate Professor at the University of Wisconsin Oshkosh.
Beth Young, '21
Dr. Beth Young shifted into a tenure track position in August 2021 at Western Carolina University. She and a colleague from the integrated health sciences department began research looking at adolescent substance misuse in North Carolina. From this, they were awarded a Provost's Scholarship Development Grant ($15,000) and had an article accepted by the Southern Medical Journal, which will be published later this year ("Alemu, B., Young, B. Substance Use Disorder Among Hospitalized Adolescents in North Carolina. Southern Medical Journal").
Dr. Young secured two other grants ($97,000 total) that were fully funded to provide prevention messaging in a rural North Carolina county that currently has one of the highest rates of opioid and methamphetamine misuse. She was appointed to the Addiction Professionals of North Carolina Board as the Northwest Regional Vice President, the North Carolina Foundation of Alcohol and Drugs Studies Board as Secretary, and the Vice Chair for the Coalition for a Safe and Drug Free Swain County Board. Additionally, her presentation titled "Are Social Workers Ready to Address the Public Health Crisis that is Addiction?" was accepted and she will present at the NASW National Conference in June.
Judy Zimbelman, '18
Dr. Judy Zimbelman was awarded South Dakota Social Worker of the Year for 2022. She was described as keeping social work ethics at the forefront of her work and passing this importance along to her students in her teaching. Dr. Zimbelman is an associate professor of social work at the University of Sioux Falls.